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November, cookies, needles, football and the author.

Steve Russell, Staff Photographer

We welcomed the begining of the month in the grips of H1N1 vaccination fever.

It was such a news item that on the first full day of vaccinations Rene Johnston and I were assigned to cover five locations across the city each starting at 6 am. We filed pictures and a brief video/interview from each of the locations.

Location One - Ten-year-old Erika Anderson and her mother Helen are at the front of the line. The line up started at 4:30 am at the H1N1 vaccination clinic at East York Civic Centre - Lower Level 850 Coxwell Avenue in Toronto

Location 2 - Adair Roberts is the first in line so she can secure an appointment for her three and four-year-olds. She has been in line since 6 am at the H1N1 vaccination clinic at North Toronto Memorial Community Centre 200 Eglinton Avenue West in Toronto 

Location 3 - The line up started at 5 am at the H1N1 vaccination clinic at the H1N1 vaccination clinic at North York Civic Centre -  5100 Yonge Street in Toronto.

Location 4 - Staff prepare to perform vaccinations. There was no line up to be found, just a pair of nurses handing out appointment slips at the H1N1 vaccination clinic at the Timothy Eaton Business and Technical Institute - Cafeteria, 1251 Bridletowne Circle in Toronto  

Final Location - Even though Things got off to an early start people still faced a wait  at the H1N1 vaccination clinic at Scarborough Civic Centre - Rotunda 150 Borough Drive in Toronto 

I'll add a couple football pictures that did not make the paper or the website.

Birchmount Park's Trevor Harvey is tracked down by Etobicoke CI 's Marc Santos at the Toronto District High School Senior football semifinals at Etobicoke Centennial Stadium.


Don Bosco's Aeden Petros #57 is consoled by a teammate after they lost to Northern at the Toronto District High School Senior football semifinals.

One of the wierd things about our job, at night we are covering the Giller Prize Gala and then less than 12 hours later we are struggling for an idea and location to make a portrait of the winner.

Linden MacIntyre author of the book "Bishop's Man" is the winner of 2009 Scotiabank Giller Prize held at the Four Seasons.

 "Bishop's Man" won the Giller Prize for author Linden MacIntyre in Toronto. The situation is never ideal, you show up at the book publisher's office and have about 5 to 10 minutes to conceve and execute a portrait. Getting to this portrait here I changed my mind about location and concept about three time before trying to mimic the book cover in the board room.

Finally something sweet,

Toronto Star tested (and photographer tested) still warm Almond Spritz Cookies. All recipes that appear in the Star are tested in the building before publication, so we get these babies into the studio while they are still warm!

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Nice pic!! While enjoying the privilege of testing these fresh warm babies please dont forget to check your lipid levels atleast every 6 months.

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