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Thanks for lunch, Canada

Richard Lautens
Staff Photographer

Today I had lunch at your expense.  The lamb stew with mixed mash potatoes, orange chicken and salad were very good.

I was at the G20 media centre at the Direct Energy Centre at the CNE.  There the media are not only treated to the expensive fake lake we have all heard about but also to free food, booze, even lattes 24 hours a day.

Since it was your tax dollars at work, I just wanted to say thanks.


I get a chance to try out the Muskoka chairs by the fake lake in this self-portrait


Reporters are seen in the media work room with enormous screens to keep up to date

Richard Lautens
Toronto Star


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I hope to see a fantastic photo blog entry on the G20 riots today. I saw some really good shots from Steve and Lucas in the gallery. Looks like Lucas ran into trouble with some masked thugs.

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