The most refreshing 4 seconds in the GTA?
Steve Russell - Staff Photographer
If I had to compile a list of the top refreshing places to be on a hot summer day this place would rank right up there.
Think about those gum commercials where the dude in a speedo pulls up at the bus stop and gets doused!
The wave of water produced at the bridge over the drop on Timberwolf Falls at Canada's Wonderland dwarfs that wave.
Park goers are known to skip the wait for the ride and venture up the exit to the bridge directly in the path of the wall of water created when the boat hits the bottom of the big drop.
Every two minutes dozens wait on the bridge for the next wave of water.
The wave lasts about four seconds and at it zenith you literally cannot see your hand in front of you face! If you were to breath as the wave passes you would have a mouthful of water.
To bring the view from inside this tsunami, I put my camera inside an Ewa-Marine bag, a water-proof bag that keeps a camera dry. The bag is pretty cumbersome, shooting with a camera is tough. You cannot manually focus and zooming is difficult. Using the controls is tough as well as is chimping (preview my images) freely. That makes editing full of surprises.
Three year-old Gabe Doerr could not get enough of the wave action on top of the bridge over Timberwolf Falls. It has to be the coolest place in the GTA, every two minutes relief from the heat arrives onto the bridge at the end of the drop of Timberwolf Falls. Park guests brace themselves for a wave that gets those on the bridge wetter than people on the actual ride at Canada's Wonderland.
Three year-old Gabe Doerr gets soaked!
Riders who leave the ride have to cross the bridge, timing your exit wrong could result in a soaking!
Chris Hemming takes the full force of the wave to the face.
Alessia Vessio hides behind her big brother Domenic and her cousin Anthony Dimichino on the right as the wave rolls in.
Jake Mahoney, with unprotective eye wear braces for the wave.
The wave rolls in as Jake Mahoney braces his glasses.
Jake Mahoney holds onto his shades as he is engulfed.
Jake Mahoney held onto his shades after the wave passed.
People line up at the rail of the bridge, eagerly awaiting each boat.
A four second wall of water swallows a family.
Inside the wall of wave just before it white outs my camera.
Park guests brace themselves for a wave that gets those on the bridge wetter than people on the actual ride.
Timmy Rehbert and Andy Timmermans await the wave!
Spray still in the air, Albert Liparoti celebrates after the wave.
The biggest problem, was getting names, I managed to get a few but, in the chaos I forgot to get the names of this family in the first stage of the wave, anticipation as the wave approaches.
Stage four - survivor elation!
Ever thought of a wide angle so we can actually see the wave instead of just wet people?
Posted by: NewDaddy | 08/12/2011 at 12:18 PM
clearly, the best part of wonderland
Posted by: Adam Chaplin | 08/12/2011 at 07:17 PM
Awesome photos Steve! You really captured what it mean to get soaked in the GTA!
Posted by: Tim Polansky | 08/13/2011 at 03:45 PM