Jim Rankin 2011
Jim Rankin - Reporter/Photographer @jleerankin
TUNIS, Tunisia - Graffiti in downtown Tunis thanks Facebook and the role social media played in the revolution.
TUNIS, Tunisia - Tempers flare during a protest on the streets of Tunis following an uprising that ousted former president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
TUNIS, Tunisia - Tunisians celebrate in the streets of Tunis after learning that Egypt's Hosni Mubarak had stepped down. The Arab uprisings began in Tunisia.
TUNIS, Tunisia - Tunisians march through downtown Tunis. Protests were a a daily occurrence following the fall of former president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
TUNIS, Tunisia - A breakdancer shows off on Avenue Habib Bourguiba in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia.
SIDI SALAH, Tunisia - Not far from Sidi Bouzid, where Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on fire, is his simple grave, seen in the foreground here. The fruit vendor's immolation and later death sparked the Tunisian revolution.
AGIOS NIKOLAOS, Greece - Canadian Stephan Corriveau of Montreal, middle, simulates a boarding by Israeli defence forces in a training exercise in Greece before boarding the Tahrir, a Canadian boat participating in Freedom Flotilla II to Gaza.
AGIOS NIKOLAOS, Greece - On guard for possible saboteurs, Australian Nick Wallwork, left, and journalist and activist Miles Howe of Halifax scan a Greek Marina from the top deck of the the Tahrir, a Canadian boat participating in Freedom Flotilla II to Gaza. One boat was reportedly sabotaged by divers prior to departure.
A crew member of the Canadian boat to Gaza works to install an underwater light beneath the stern of the Tahrir to discourage saboteurs.
AGIOS NIKOLAOS, Greece - Activists greet a Greek coast guard ship as it speeds to intercept the Tahrir, a Canadian boat that made a run for Gaza. Greek soldiers, enforcing a no sail edict by the Greek government, boarded and commandeered the Tahrir. No one was seriously injured. Activists used non-violent resistance to slow the boarding. Delegates from Canada, Australia, Belgium, Denmark and Turkey are on the Tahrir, the Canadian boat participating in Freedom Flotilla II to Gaza.
AGIOS NIKOLAOS, Greece - Greek soldiers, enforcing a no sail edict by the Greek government, boarded and commandeered the Tahrir, a Canadian boat involved in Freedom Flotilla II to Gaza. No one was seriously injured. Activists used non-violent resistance to slow the boarding.
AGIOS NIKOLAOS, Greece - Bob Lovelace of Canada, in the spotlight of a tugboat that towed the commandeered Canadian boat to Gaza to a Greek port authority dock.
AGIOS NIKOLAOS, Greece - Guido Gorissens, a physician from Belgium, stitches up a gash above Kate Wilson's eye, caused by a fall aboard the Tahrir during cleaning duties. Wilson, from Toronto, was otherwise fine.
AGIOS NIKOLAOS, Greece - Asmaa El Mourabiti , a Belgian activist and photographer, and Yannick Van Onckelen, a nurse from Belgium, embrace after the committee behind the Canadian boat to Gaza announces the bid to reach Gaza is over.
TORONTO - An iconic scene from the Queen St. bridge that spans the Don River and Don Valley Parkway. The Queen car 501 route is the longest streetcar ride in Toronto, and one of the coolest in the world, stretching 25 kilometres, from Long Branch in the west to Neville Park in the east. This was shot with an iPhone and Hipstamatic app, specificaly for an on-line project on the Queen car.
TORONTO - Analog relics. Dust gathers on old film cameras in the window of a pawn shop on Queen St. E, east of Church St. The Queen car 501 route is the longest streetcar ride in Toronto, and one of the coolest in the world, stretching 25 kilometres, from Long Branch in the west to Neville Park in the east. Shot with an iPhone and Hipstamatic app.
TORONTO - A gull takes to flight at Marie Curtis Park, a short walk from the western-most stop on the Queen streetcar route.
TORONTO - Ruby red shoes and art to go. A woman leaves the Museum of Contemporary Art on Queen St. W. in Toronto.
TORONTO - Passed out on Queen. A man sleeps in front of a hip Queen St. W. clothing store that is holding a denim drive for the homeless.
TORONTO - A fruit stand on Dundas St. W, in the Dufferin Grove area of Toronto. The photo is part of a series on neighbourhoods along the 501 Queen St. streetcar. Shot with an iPhone and Hipstamatic app.
TORONTO - St. John's Cemetery Norway on Kingston Rd in the Upper Beach neighbourhood. Shot with an iPhone and Hipstamatic app.
MISURATA, LIBYA - A woman passes part of a shrine to the Libyan revolution on a main street in Misurata the day after Moammar Gadhafi was killed.
MISURATA, LIBYA - Women and children march through main streets of Misurata in memory and in honour of the men who took on Moammar Ghadhafi's forces.
TRIPOLI, LIBYA - Libyans celebrate the kiling of Moammar Gadhafi on a main road in Tripoli.
MISURATA, LIBYA - A camera man shoots in front of a destroyed building on a main street in Misurata, Libya.
MISURATA, LIBYA - A family strolls a back street of the city of Misurata, devastated by shelling. Libyans awoke to Day One without Col. Moammar Gadhafi and took to the streets to celebrate.
MISURATA LIBYA - A Libyan woman snaps a photo of photojournalists during an afternoon march in Misurata to celebrate the death of Moammar Gadhafi.
TORONTO - Fatuma Hied, a staff member at Central Neighbourhood House in Toronto, translates during a Women's Club special session on conflict management. Ubah Ugaas and daughter Hanaan, 10 months, are at right. The centre, funded in part by the United Way, is celebrating its 100th year.
TORONTO - What rain had washed away, hundreds of people restored. Chalk tributes to NDP leader Jack Layton began to fill most free space at Nathan Phillips Square at Toronto City Hall, where Layton's body lay in repose.
TORONTO - Terri-Jean Bedford has written a memoir on her life as Canada's most famous dominatrix and her numerous court battles, including one that is challenging Canada's prostitution laws. The book, titled Dominatrix on Trial: Bedford vs Canada, is to be self-published.
TORONTO - A snowy procession of Canadian geese at Humber Bay Park West in Toronto.