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FINALLY, some rain for July's heat

Rick Madonik, Staff Photographer - @RMadonik


Seven-year-old German Shepherd Angel shakes off the water after being hosed down by owner Joanne Boudreault. Its a daily routine between owner and pet during the hot, humid, summer weather.


The spring may have been wet and cold, but summer is proving to be HOT and DRY. Toronto, and much of Ontario, has received very little significant rainfall this summer and where city folks might appreciate the conditions, it really isn't the best situation for farmers. Don't be surprised if food prices start to rise sometime soon. With much of the US southwest, midwest and Canadian Prairies suffering, prices are sure to rise.

The downpours that have occurred have been the product of local thunderstorm cells and not widespread. Interestingly, I've worked each of the days the clouds have opened up. Two weeks ago, it was at Woodbine Race Track during the running of the Queen's Plate. (No, it didn't rain until the horses were warming up, and it didn't end until shortly after the trophy presentation.) Then last weekend, on Saturday morning at Honda Indy, the skies opened again. But yesterday, as I was driving in for a late day shift, the rain began. It was so concentrated it was hard to see the end of the car despite the furious effort of my windshield wipers. I abandoned my travel along the Gardiner Expressway and headed for some underpasses I knew usually flood in torrential storms.

I actually enjoy rainstorms. They usually produce a variety of pictures. Unfortunately, the camera gear doesn't like it nearly as much as I, so trying to keep them dry and functioning can be a challenge.


 A car proceeds, with little caution, through the swamped underpass on Windermere Ave, which passes under the Gardiner Expressway. Parts of Toronto were hit by severe rain storms in the afternoon, Sunday, July 15, 2012, causing a number of flooded underpasses and roadways.



Stephan Beys pedals his bike through the swamped underpass on Windermere Ave, which passes under the Gardiner Expressway.



A man, covered by garbage bags and duct taped boots, navigates the sidewalk.



A brave soul on a small motor bike traverses the swamped underpass on Windermere Ave.



A car splashes its way through a water pool along Lakeshore Blvd.



A car uses the sidewalk to avoid the deepest part of the Windermere Ave underpass.



Lakeshore Blvd had several places where water pooled, often taking drivers for a bit of a surprise.



The Windermere Ave underpass as a car driver decides not to navigate the newly formed waterway.



The Windermere Ave underpass as a lone car takes its chances in getting through the massive puddle.



 A couple walk north on Windermere Ave, just north of Lake Shore Blvd. They seem to take the deluge in stride.



Lakeshore Blvd, looking west, after the storm passed downtown. Parts of Toronto were hit by severe rain storms in the afternoon, Sunday, July 15, 2012, causing a number of flooded underpasses and roadways.


Two men inside the Palais Royal check out the street scene on Lakeshore Blvd as motorists make their way slowly along the waterlogged street.



Kirsten Forte, 4, has a big job to wipe the water from the car as she waits in the car with her mom while parked at the western beaches.



Water beads on the roof of a car parked along the western beaches.




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