Fireworks, handheld at two seconds, results not what I thought!
Steve Russell - Staff Photographer - @RussellPhotos
Shooting fireworks is one of the toughest things to do with a tripod never mind without one.
On Canada Day, Richard Lautens was assigned to shoot the fireworks at Ashbridges Bay, he did it right.
At those same fireworks I left my home with my family in tow, a stroller filled with blankets, snacks and at the last minute a camera with a 24-70 lens on it.
RICHARD LAUTENS did it right, he arrived early to stake out a spot. He brought a tripod and a remote trigger. He made this picture with a 15 second exposure at f/14 and ISO 400. He used his hand to cover and uncover the lens between firework bursts and used an off camera flash to light the couple on the lifeguard chair.
We arrived late, about 20 minutes before the fireworks started just as the sun was setting.
Firework spectators took positions on top of a hill near Coxwell and Lake Shore.
Out of dozens, maybe a dozen dozen fames handheld at two seconds, f/16 and 1600 ISO this was the closest I could get a fireworks picture that looked like fireworks. However from all the bad frames I was inspired.
I stopped trying to hold still, in fact I started painting the frame with the light from the fireworks display.
The results remind me of the old spirograph!
One of the most important aspects of photography is having fun with it, I did!
I added a little lens zoomer to this one.
A couple leaves after the fireworks show at Ashbridges Bay
Cool shots Steve! They remind me of my Spirograph days.
Posted by: Richard Lautens | 07/03/2012 at 05:21 PM
How were the couple captured without blur?
Posted by: Thomas Duncan | 07/04/2012 at 08:58 PM
@Thomas, The couple was shot at about a 60th of second, just enough to freeze them on a hot night!
Posted by: Steve Russell, Toronto Star Staff Photographer | 07/05/2012 at 10:26 PM